Dimedium Estonia’s XXVII Symposium


Last Thursday marked the 27th occurrence of the traditional Dimedium Estonia Symposium, this time subtitled "Creating the Future Today."

Progressive Estonian dairy farmers and international experts came together to exchange knowledge and forge a vision for the future of Estonian dairy farming, focusing on innovative solutions for animal health and comfort, as well as the crucial role of fostering joy in the workplace.

The event featured six world-class specialists whose presentations focused on various aspects of creating an efficient dairy farm:

  • Junior researcher Dagni-Alice Viidu from the Estonian University of Life Sciences explained the underlying causes of calf mortality.
  • Experienced veterinarian and farm advisor Dr. Rob Drysdale shared tips for successful calf management.
  • Biosystems engineer Dr. Mario Mondaca from VES-Artex introduced global trends and solutions for providing proper housing conditions for calves.
  • Tõnu Põlluäär, Dimedium's Cattle Breeding Project Manager, and Daniela Vasiliu, a representative of Alta Genetics, discussed the potential of genetic data and data processing.
  • The official part of the Symposium was concluded by emeritus professor Mare Pork from Tallinn University, who delivered an engaging talk on effective people management, highlighting the teachability of joy and the critical role of maintaining a positive attitude throughout life.

The Symposium was hosted by Dimedium's client manager Enelin Dede and Smart Farm representative Kristjan Reinhold.

We would like to thank all participants and speakers - it was an enlightening evening filled with powerful thoughts!

Last modified: 10.06.2024