Baltic Market

Especially well-known are the dairy products, with long history of exports over 100 years. Raw milk produced in the Baltics comes 26% from Estonia, 27% from Latvia and 47% from Lithuania (as of 2021).

The overall number of dairy cows is still in a decreasing trend, while their productivity per cow has increased year by year and is currently at the top of EU countries. Dairying is more and more export-oriented, because production of milk covers the local needs of the Baltic countries with high reserve - 180% in Latvia, 170% in Estonia, 150% in Lithuania. Estonia can be brought as a remarkable example of the growth of productivity during 100 years.

The highest level in terms of self-supply of food at the Baltic states belongs to cereals, Lithuania is one of the largest exporters of cereal products in Europe. In Estonia self-supply of food is smaller than 100%, if to talk about honey (90%), meat (78%), potatoes (61%), eggs (51%), vegetables (38%) and fruits and berries (12%), according to the Statistics Estonia in 2021. In Latvia the consumption of potatoes, bread, wheat and beef is fully ensured.

Partial self-sufficiency is observed in the case of pork and cucumbers. Consumption of apples, pears, cultivated berries and tomatoes is import-dependent (Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies).

Drastic increase of efficiency


Digitalisation and innovation ahead of others


Strong will to combine new technologies